Valuation of Real Estate
Valuation of real estate is one of the most highly requested areas of valuation activities. Consulting Center performs professional independent valuation of real estate in accordance with domestic and international standards.
We offer valuation of following real estate:
- Apartments
- Country cottages
- Commercial real estate
- Lease (rent)
- Incomplete construction objects
Valuation of real estate is required in following case of mortgage loan in a financial institution; preparation of purchase or sale operation agreement, deed of grant, inheritance etc. Besides, valuation of real estate is required for insurance agreements, investments planning etc.
In certain cases valuation of real estate is not strictly required; however, it is necessary to perform such valuation for rational decision making. Voluntary real estate valuation allows you to decrease expenses and increase overall profitability of real estate operations; compensate damages fairly; defend your interests in court, tax office, customs office.
Our experience in valuation of real estate includes:
- Ukrinbank, JSC
- Kredobank, JSC
- Blastko, JSC
- Atompromkompleks, JSC
- “Blue Policy” Insurance Company, JSC
- Ukrndiprodmash, PLC
- Head Science and Methodology Center, state enterprise
- Fundamental Researches State Fund
- Association of independent Experts of Ukraine
- International Management Institute
- Investment Company “Comfort”, LLC
- Dnenpropak, LLC
- Institute of Advertizing
- Commercial and Industrial Company “RiCo”, LLC
- Construction and Investment Company “Polesye”, LLC
- Prushinski, LLC
- Polimer-PAP, LLC
- Ukrpolinvestitsii, LLC
- Ken-Pack (Ukraine), LLC
- Ukrgaz, LLC
- Veda Corporation
- Chernigiv plant of building materials, LLC
- FC «Eurocommerz», LLC
- Firma «Three Î & Ê»
- Santima-7, LLC
- Trade house «Invest Budkontrakt»
- Cooperative society «Nastusya»
- Yuko Ukraine, LLC
- Flesh, LLC
- BC «Miskbudinvest», LLC
- Joint venture «Marcom»
- Agrostroitelelny alliance «Astra»
- Company of perspektive development, LLC
- Company for investment «Temida»
- Group of nova osnova, LLC
- Sport land, LLC
- Sport-avante, LLC
- Sportinvest international, LLC
- Sport forum, LLC
- Pressa ot i do, LLC
- Valteks-guma, LLC etc.
Our competitive advantages are the quality and rapidness of provided valuation services, and a featured express valuation: an expert informs client about tentative market price of a real estate object.
We guarantee objectivity of valuation and timely report submission. Term of valuation of one real estate object depends on the object itself. Minimal term is one day for valuation of apartment or a country cottage, two days for valuation of commercial real estate objects.