Valuation of Property Complexes
One of the services provided by Consulting Center is valuation of property complexes. Currently valuation of property complexes can be considered the most demanded valuation service, due to big variety of valuation objects that are qualified as property.
Notion of property encompasses objects with useful properties owned and/or used by legal and physical persons. Interests of given person are a subject of valuation. The bulk of legal person’s interests for objects involved in business activities form a property complex.
It is worth mentioning that valuation of property complex is the most complete kind of valuation services. It includes valuation of real estate, machinery and equipment, transportation facilities, financial investments, intangible assets etc. When valuating property complex, one has to take so called synergy effect into account.
Property complex valuation report is of big weight in disputes with tax office, when the matter of correctness and fullness of taxation is being raised. Such report has a status of official document in support and can be used in court.
Besides, valuation of property complex is often performed in preparation to signing mortgage contracts and purchase and sale bargains. Although buyer and seller are free to define the price themselves (unless otherwise is stated by law,) independent valuation will help to determine real price (market value) of the bargain object for the date of bargain.
Independent valuation report will prove to persons whose interests are affected by the bargain (i.e. company stock holders, higher organization, state structures) that the bargain was performed honestly, every participant was protecting interests of his party and was aware of market conditions, fair market price of bargain object and the price of similar objects.
Consulting Center experts possess large amounts of experience in valuation of property complexes; the portfolio worth mentioning includes:
- Korostensky Meat Processing Factory, PLC
- Rokytnyansky Bread Factory, PLC
- Agrofirm “Prolisok LTD”, PLC
- Askania Flora, LLC
- Loture-Agro, LLC etc.
Proven techniques allow us correctly valuate property complexes as a part of operational business in order to prepare it for purchase or sale operations and perform due diligence procedure in order to verify adequacy of requested price. You order property complex valuation or a more specific service: valuation of real estate, equipment, transportation facilities, paper holdings or intangible assets. Even the hardest valuation problem will be solved with maximum speed and accuracy.