Assets Valuation
Among the services provided by Consulting Center there is valuation for IFRS. A need for this valuation service is constantly increasing. It becomes a pressing issue for many domestic companies. However, this path conceals numerous pitfalls, for IFRS differ essentially from national reporting standards, and there is a shortage of professionals competent with IFRS on the market. In this situation the best solution is to consult experienced professionals, who would help you convert financial reporting into new format fast and effectively.
International Financial Reporting Standards are aimed at representing actual information about company’s current financial state. In other words, these standards are built on the principle of transparency. Therefore they are based on real, or fair (market) value of assets and obligations. This data is required for both forming of introductory booking balance (when converting to IFRS) and displaying current financial operations during company’s business activities (purchase and sale of assets, valuation of fair value for rent and lease contracts accounting, choosing of booking model etc.)
Assets valuation is one of Consulting Center’s prioritized activity areas. We have vast experience in this field, and each our client is guaranteed to receive a high quality service.
A need for assets valuation occurs occasionally during company’s lifetime. The company is granted a right to choose appropriate time for mentioned assets valuation. However, taking into account that assets valuation affects many aspects of company’s activity, it is better be performed by professionals. Proper assets valuation will allow company to bring book value of property closer to fair (market) value and to optimize taxation, since assets valuation helps balance income tax with property tax. Unprofitable enterprises will be able to reduce property tax due to decrease of assets book value after valuation. High-profit enterprises will be able to decrease income tax thanks to increase of capital charges after assets are valuated and their cost is amended (increased).
Our experience in assets valuation:
- Loture Agro, LLC
- Askania Flora, LLC
- Agrofirm “Prolisok LLC”, JSC
- Rokytnyansky Bread Factory, JSC
- Korostensky Meat Factory, JSC
Consulting Center experts perform assets valuation for IFRS professionally and with highest quality. We have performed numerous projects of assets valuation for IFRS, among which are Bank Demark, JSC and TAS Insurance Company, JSC (in association with Deloitte & Touche, for international audit).
Our reports comply with international standards; our experts have many years’ experience in assets valuation for IFRS. We work actively and successfully with large and medium enterprises, our business reputation is flawless. This is how we guarantee quality of our services and high professionalism of our experts.